Because You Are

Because You Are

This is a re-post of a project I did for Essentials Blue online worship course.  Should the above YouTube link not work for the video go directly here to view it.

I have been really challenged about how word-based our expressions of worship can be. I have been very aware of some people in our community who are unable to read well, and have been considering how to find ways to engage their different options for expression. There’s also been a challenge for me personally, as someone who loves words…to live with restraint at times. This piece also symbolizes my personal reminder and pursuit to live in simplicity and restraint.

I’m also a first timer in using media like this, so forgive me in it’s clumsiness!

Themes: God as Creator, Humans as Sub-Creators; Creation Theology; God’s redemptive story.

Lyrics:  because-you-are


1. Music and Lyrics by Because You Are, Simon Carter. Simon is one of the worship leaders at Soul Survivor Melbourne, so if you’re interested in checking out more of his music go here.

2. Epilogue The Prayer of the Trinity by Tom Wright

 (Originally published in New Tasks for a Renewed Church, 1992, London: Hodder.  Also published as Bringing the Church to the World, 1992, Bethany House, U.S.A., 209-15.)

3. Emerging Grace Posters  (HT to Grace)